Ready to Find Freedom from the Anxiety of Launching Your Teen?
My friend, it's simpler than you think...

Do you find yourself thinking...
- I don't know how to let go of anxiety and not get so hurt or irritated.
- I don't know how to support my teen through their challenges.
- I don't know how to communicate and connect with my teen.
- I don't know how to find myself now that my teen has gone to college. I feel like I'm losing my purpose.
If so, you're not alone.
In my work with hundreds of women, I understand that the uncertainty of this time of life - raising teens and transitioning to the empty nest - can make you feel anxious, frustrated, hurt and lost.

The problem...
You want to help your kids be safe, happy and successful, but it's not always clear how to do this. And as your teen prepares to leave the nest, you might not be sure what comes next.
Your very rational mind doesn't like this uncertainty, and so it tries to solve it by creating certainty.
What does this look like?
- Your mind looks for worst case scenarios and tries to solve them.
- You try to control or influence your teen so you can feel better.
- You find yourself seeking validation.
- You strive for perfection...but nothing is good enough.
- You get stuck comparing yourself or your teen with others.
My friend, this isn't a sign that there's something wrong with you.
All that's happening is that your perfectly rational mind is trying to create safety amidst the uncertainty.
Unfortunately, catastrophizing only makes you feel more anxious. Your efforts to influence your teen aren't always effective. You feel like there has to be a "right" answer. You find yourself feeling stuck and unmotivated. You feel ok when things go your way, but terrible when they don't.

Imagine instead...
- finding freedom from anxiety
- feeling confident as a parent, trusting yourself to strike the right balance between supporting your teen and giving them independence
- connecting with your teen on a whole new level
- feeling empowered to trust yourself to create peace even when life doesn't go your way
- trusting that you have the tools to create a meaningful next chapter for yourself
Imagine creating a whole new relationship with yourself, feeling empowered to be the mom and woman you want to be.

The Mom 2.0 program is for you if you feel...
- doubt about how to move forward or parent your child
- powerlessness over your emotions or the circumstances of your life
- sad, lonely or lost as you let go of life with kids at home
- anxious about how to help your teen stay safe, or be happy and successful
- frustrated, hurt or resentful with your teen or in other relationships
- guilt or regret about the past or your parenting choices
- worry that there is something wrong with you that you are struggling with this season of your life
Master Coach Jennifer Collins designed Mom 2.0 to help you overcome these challenges to create peace, confidence and purpose in your life again.
Push play to learn about Mom 2.0 from Jennifer Collins!

What is Mom 2.0?
Mom 2.0 is a highly personalized 1:1 coaching program for moms who want freedom from anxiety and the confidence to approach life from a place of peace and confidence. You will learn a 5-step process that will help you let go where you don't have control and to confidently take action where you do. My friend, you have control over:
- Your expectations of yourself and others.
- The boundaries you set.
- Your perception of who other people are.
- Your perception of who you are.
- Your perception of your life and what's possible.
- The decisions you make.
Mom 2.0 will empower you to cultivate a mindset that creates peace and confidence rather than anxiety and pain. You will learn how mindset traps like catastrophizing, perfectionism and comparison are simply your mind's way of keeping you safe. And you'll also learn how to break free of these unproductive ways of thinking.
In the Mom 2.0 program, you will learn exactly what's creating your anxiety and standing in your way of finding peace and the confidence to make decisions about how to parent your teen and move forward in your life. This program isn't about learning how to parent and it's different than therapy. This program will give you a whole new skill set that will empower you to trust yourself to weather the uncertainty of life with grace and confidence.
You will meet directly with Master Coach Jennifer Collins over the course of 10-weeks, and during these virtual sessions you will learn to apply this skill set directly to your specific goals and challenges.
Ready to find freedom from anxiety and step into being the mom and woman you want to be?
Click here to schedule a free call to discuss how Mom 2.0 will help you.
Book a call!Hear What Some of Small Jar's Clients Have to Say...

What You Can Look Forward to in Mom 2.0...

10 Weeks of 1 to 1 Coaching
You will have exclusive access to me, Jennifer Collins, your master coach, on a weekly basis for a period of 10 weeks via 45-minute Zoom sessions. We will first do a deep dive into who you are right now. We'll explore how you see yourself, as both a mom and a woman. Together, we'll celebrate all of the ways you are creating amazing things in your life, and we'll also tackle the judgment, doubt and other obstacles standing in your way of moving forward. Throughout the process, I will be teaching you tools to help you create confidence and trust in yourself. We will also apply these tools in a highly individualized way as we work through your unique challenges.

Online Coaching & Journal
You will also be given access to a personal Slack Channel between only you and me. Using this online chat tool, I will share detailed weekly reflections from our sessions, where I will recap the work we have done together and also offer customized questions and exercises for you to work on in between our sessions. As you respond and share your work, I will give you feedback and continued coaching on-demand. The Slack channel will provide a written journal of your journey and success throughout the program.

Weekly Workbook Exercises
Each week, you will be given an assignment designed to help you take the work of our 1:1 coaching sessions and the weekly instructional video deeper. In addition to watching the videos, you will be invited to journal on topics related to your belief systems, emotions, challenges you are facing, and how you are showing up in your life. The homework will help you practice the lessons so that you will be able to independently apply the Mom 2.0 methods to any challenge or opportunity.

Weekly Instructional Videos
Each week, I will cover a new lesson in our coaching session, and this lesson will be reinforced by a weekly video lesson. My goal is to teach you the mindset tools that will empower you to explore the unique lens that you bring to your role as a mom and as a woman. We will use these tools to explore the belief systems that fuel your emotional well-being and the results you create in your life. Through these lessons, you will learn how to manage and process emotions, as well as how to harness more confidence, peace and joy to allow you to move toward your goals.
You've spent a lifetime supporting the dreams of your kids.
Now it's your turn.
Click the link below to take the first step.
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